Jordan & the Dead sea
Day one
Ashabul kahf, Amman- Jordan
August 11th 2014
the pict above is ashabul kahf mosque
the bones of the seven sleepers
[18:18] You would think that they were awake, when they were in fact asleep. We turned them to the right side and the left side, while their dog stretched his legs in their midst. Had you looked at them, you would have fled from them, stricken with terror.
[18:19] When we awakened them, they asked each other, "How long have you been here?" "We have been here one day or part of the day," they answered. "Your Lord knows best how long we stayed here, so let us send one of us with this money to the city. Let him fetch the good lawful food, and buy some for us. Let him keep a low profile, and attract no attention."
[18:20] "If they discover you, they will stone you, or force you to revert to their religion, then you can never succeed."
[18:21] We caused them to be discovered, to let everyone know that God's promise is true, and to remove all doubt concerning the end of the world. The people then disputed among themselves regarding them. Some said, "Let us build a building around them." Their Lord is the best Knower about them. Those who prevailed said, "We will build a place of worship around them."
[18:22] Some would say, "They were three; their dog being the fourth," while others would say, "Five; the sixth being their dog," as they guessed. Say, "Seven, and the eighth was their dog." Say, "My Lord is the best Knower of their number." It is but few that know their real case. Enter not, therefore, into controversies concerning them, except on a matter that is clear. Nor consult any of them about the affair of the Sleepers.
[18:19] When we awakened them, they asked each other, "How long have you been here?" "We have been here one day or part of the day," they answered. "Your Lord knows best how long we stayed here, so let us send one of us with this money to the city. Let him fetch the good lawful food, and buy some for us. Let him keep a low profile, and attract no attention."
[18:20] "If they discover you, they will stone you, or force you to revert to their religion, then you can never succeed."
[18:21] We caused them to be discovered, to let everyone know that God's promise is true, and to remove all doubt concerning the end of the world. The people then disputed among themselves regarding them. Some said, "Let us build a building around them." Their Lord is the best Knower about them. Those who prevailed said, "We will build a place of worship around them."
[18:22] Some would say, "They were three; their dog being the fourth," while others would say, "Five; the sixth being their dog," as they guessed. Say, "Seven, and the eighth was their dog." Say, "My Lord is the best Knower of their number." It is but few that know their real case. Enter not, therefore, into controversies concerning them, except on a matter that is clear. Nor consult any of them about the affair of the Sleepers.
from the top of the mosque